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Cornish Rex Exhibitor/Breeder


CORNISH REX [noun] [kawr-nish] [reks]

1. a special breed of cat with a very soft wavy marcel coat, a small head, large eyes, and very large ears

CATTERY [noun] [kat-uh-ree]

2. a place dedicated to caring and loving cats and kittens; a place dedicated to improving a specific breed of cat


EXHIBITOR [noun] [ig-zib-it-awr]

3. a person dedicated to showcasing cats and kittens for competition or display; a person passionate about breed/cattery goals

What is a Cornish Rex?

A Cornish Rex is an affectionate, people-oriented, active cat breed.

The most unique trait of the breed is its' incredibly soft, marcel waves.

It has an egg-shaped head with high cheekbones, a strongly bridged roman nose and large ears.

The body is similar to a Whippet - arched back, long legs and barrel chest.

This is a cat breed that actively and happily participates in family life.

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Who is Yarn Ball Cattery?

Yarn Ball Cattery is a small exhibitor home, dedicated to the unique and interesting Cornish Rex.

We started showing in 2014, importing our lines from established catteries outside the USA.


Our goal is to produce healthy, socialized Cornish Rex kittens for our exhibitor program, and for loving pet homes.


All of our cats and kittens are registered and shown with CFA -

Cat Fancier's Association.


In 2016, we had our first litter of Cornish Rex kittens.


Please check out our Kittens page for our Cornish Rex kittens for Sale.

Our Cats

CAT [noun] [kat] 3. a special human companion; a source of comfort, love and humor

Please enjoy browsing through our present cats.
Retired Cats are also showcased and already placed in their wonderful forever pet homes.

Yarn Ball
Who's Your Daddy

Black and White Cornish Rex Male

"Vader" is CFA's 11th Best All Breed Cat, Best Cornish Rex Cat R1-R9 2023 - 2024, Region 6/Midwest Region's 3rd Best All Breed Cat 2023 - 2024


"Vader" finished his show campaign as 2 show Grand at a very young age of 8 months.


"Vader" is son of GC RW Yarn Ball "Adaline" 

Retired CFA GC NW
Yarn Ball Ooh Nana Na

Solid Black Cornish Rex Female

"Nana" is CFA's 15th Best All Breed Kitten, 6th Best Shorthair Kitten and Best Cornish Rex Kitten R1-R9 2021 - 2022, Region 6/Midwest Region's 3rd Best Kitten All Breed 2021 - 2022.


"Nana" finished her show campaign as a 2 show Grand at a very young age of 8 months.


"Nana" is daughter of NW RW GC Yarn Ball "Hefner" from his first sired litter with RW GC Yarn Ball "Gaga". 

CFA GC NW Yarn Ball Hooked On A Feeling

Black and White Cornish Rex Male

NW RW GC Yarn Ball Hooked On A Feeling aka "Hefner" finished his show campaign as a 1 Show Grand, on his first show as an adult at a very young age of 8 months - a first for Yarn Ball Cattery!


"Hefner" is CFA's 7th Best All Breed Kitten, 2nd Best Shorthair Kitten and Best Cornish Rex Kitten R1-R9 2019 - 2020.


"Hefner" is also Region 6/Midwest Region's Best Kitten All Breed 2019 - 2020. 

Yarn Ball Strike A Pose

Calico Cornish Rex Female

"Victoria" is CFA Region 6/Midwest Region's 19th Best All Breed Kitten 2023 - 2024, 4th Best Cornish Rex Kitten R1 - R9 2023 - 2024


"Victoria" is daughter of GC RW Yarn Ball "Adaline" and sister to GC NW BWR "Vader"

CFA GC NW BWR Shabbymur Dancin Queen of Yarn Ball

Chocolate Calico Cornish Rex Female

"Lizzie" is CFA's 17th Best All Breed Cat, Best Cornish Rex Championship, 4th Best Cornish Rex Kitten R1-R9 2022 - 2023, Region 6/Midwest Region's 2nd Best All Breed Cat, 3rd Best Kitten All Breed 2022 - 2023.


"Lizzie" finished her show campaign as a 2 show Grand at a very young age of 8 months.


"Lizzie" is our import from Shabbymur Cattery of Russia.

CFA GC RW Shabbymur Gimme Gimme
of Yarn Ball

Red Mackerel Tabby Cornish Rex Male

"George" is CFA's Best Cornish Rex Kitten R1-R9 2022 - 2023, Region 6/Midwest Region's 3rd Best Kitten All Breed 2022 - 2023.


"George" is our import from Shabbymur Cattery in Russia.

CFA GC RW Yarn Ball Flower Of My Heart

Black and White Van Cornish Rex Female

CFA GC RW Yarn Ball Flower Of My Heart aka "Adaline" is from the first Yarn Ball litter to be born into our cattery. She is the Daughter of "Roi" and "Unona".

"Adaline" finished her journey to a GC (Grand Champion) title @ the Lucky Tom Cat Club Show on April 2017.


"Adaline" is 22nd Best CH in Region 6 for 2018 - earning a  RW (Regional Win) title. She is also, Best Cornish Rex and Best of Color Class for Cornish Rex in Region 6 for 2018.

Retired CFA GC RW
Yarn Ball Gaga Ooh Lala

Calico Cornish Rex Female

CFA RW GC Yarn Gaga Ooh Lala aka "Gaga" finished her journey to a GC (Grand Champion) title at young age of 8 months. She is the Daughter of "Roi" and "Daisy".


"Gaga" is 14th Best CH in Region 6 for 2019 - earning her a RW (Regional Win) title. She is also, 2nd Best Cornish Rex and Best of Color Class for Cornish Rex in Region 6, despite a very short show season. 

Gaga is retired in her forever home in Illinois!

Retired CFA GC Cornelian Unona
of Yarn Ball

Black Smoke and White

Cornish Rex Female

CFA GC Cornelian Unona of Yarn Ball aka "Unona" is our foundation female and an import from Cornelian Cattery.


"Unona" was the Best Cornish Rex

and Best Bicolor/Bicolor Van for 2015/2016 in Region 6. 


She produced our first litter of Cornish Rex kittens in 2016.


"Unona" finished her journey to a GC (Grand Champion) title @ the Illini Cat Club Show on March 2017.


Unona is retired and forever stays with us!

Retired CFA GC RW Wonder Galaxy Nellie
of Yarn Ball

Odd Eye Calico Van Cornish Rex Female

CFA GC RW Wonder Galaxy Nelwyna of Yarn Ball aka "Nellie" is our second foundation female and an import from Wonder Galaxy Cattery.


"Nellie" is a CFA GC, 5th Best Cornish Rex Kitten in CFA 2016 - 2017, 15th Best Kitten in Region 6 for 2017 - earning a  RW (Regional Win) title, and Best Cornish Rex Kitten in Region 6, 2nd Best of Color Class for Cornish Rex in Region 6 for 2017.


Nellie is retired in her forever home in Michigan!

Retired CFA CH Wavy Silk Mon Petit Roi of Yarn Ball

Black and White Van Cornish Rex Male

CFA CH Wavy SIlk Mon Petit Roi

of Yarn Ball aka "Roi" is our foundation male and first import from Wavy Silk Cattery.


Roi is retired in his forever home in Ohio!

Our Kittens

KITTEN [noun] [kit-n] 4. a special human companion; a source of comfort, love and humor; a young cat

Please enjoy browsing through pictures of our past and present kittens.
If you are interested in any of our available kittens, please do let us know @ our "Contact Us" page. We would love to hear from you!

Yarn Ball Litter "A"

Born: May 17, 2016

Father: CH Wavy Silk Mon Petit Roi of Yarn Ball

Mother: GC Cornelian Unona of Yarn Ball

Our dear Unona has given birth to Yarn Ball Cattery's first litter - 2 Girls named Adaline and Amelia, and 1 Boy named Albus.

All have found wonderful pet homes.

Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!

Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "B"

Born: April 7, 2017

Father: CH Wavy Silk Mon Petit Roi of Yarn Ball

Mother: GC Cornelian Unona of Yarn Ball

Our dear Unona has given birth to Yarn Ball Cattery's second litter - 3 Boys named Brock, Braeden, Braxton and 1 Girl named Brianne.

All have found wonderful pet homes.


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!

Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "C"

Born: August 1, 2017

Father: CH Wavy Silk Mon Petit Roi of Yarn Ball

Mother: RW GC Wonder Galaxy Nelwyna of Yarn Ball

Our dear Nellie has given birth to a single male kitten named Caleb. He has found a wonderful home. 

Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!

Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "D"

Born: February 20, 2018

Father: CH Wavy Silk Mon Petit Roi of Yarn Ball

Mother: RW GC Wonder Galaxy Nelwyna of Yarn Ball

Our dear Nellie has given birth to four female kittens. All have found wonderful pet homes. 


Daisy will remain in our cattery!

Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "E"

Born: March 8, 2018

Father: CH Wavy Silk Mon Petit Roi of Yarn Ball

Mother: GC Cornelian Unona of Yarn Ball


Our dear Unona has given birth to two lovely female kittens - Erin and Ericka.

Both girls have found wonderful pet homes!


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!

Thank you!


Yarn Ball Litter "G"

Born: February 17, 2019

Father: Wavy Silk Chasin Stars of Yarn Ball

Mother: CH Yarn Ball Love In Little Things

Our dear Daisy has given birth to 4 lovely girls! All three girls have found wonderful pet homes!


Gaga will remain in our cattery!


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "H"

Born: March 25, 2019

Father: Wavy Silk Chasin Stars of Yarn Ball

Mother: GC Cornelian Unona of Yarn Ball

Our dear Unona has given birth to 4 kittens - two boys and two girls. All have found wonderful pet homes!


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "J"


Father: Wavy Silk Chasin Stars of Yarn Ball

Mother: RW GC Yarn Ball Flower of my Heart


Our dear Adaline has given birth to a single female kitten named Journey. She has found a wonderful home. 

Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!

Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "K"

Born: March 2020

Father: Wavy Silk Chasin Stars of Yarn Ball

Mother: RW GC Yarn Ball Flower of my Heart


Our dear Adaline gave birth to a litter of 2 beautiful female kittens. All have found wonderful pet homes!

Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!

Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "L"

Born: March 2020

Father: Wavy Silk Chasin Stars of Yarn Ball

Mother: GC Cornelian Unona of Yarn Ball

Our dear Unona has given birth to 3 kittens - two girls and one boy. All have found wonderful pet homes! 


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!

Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "M"

Born: May 2020

Father: GC Yarn Ball Flowers By My Side

Mother: RW GC Yarn Ball Gaga Ohh Lala

Our dear Gaga has given birth to 4 kittens - two boys and two girls. All have found wonderful pet homes! 


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "N"

Born: February 14, 2021

Father: NW RW GC Yarn Ball Hooked on A Feeling

Mother: RW GC Yarn Ball Gaga Ohh Lala

Our dear Gaga has given birth to 5 kittens - two boys and three girls.

All kittens have found wonderful pet homes! 


Nana will remain in our cattery!


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "O"

Born: July 14, 2021

Father: NW RW GC Yarn Ball Hooked on A Feeling

Mother: Yarn Ball In My Feelings

Our dear Kiki has given birth to a single kitten - a beautiful boy! He has found a wonderful home!


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "P"

Born: Sept 2021

Father: NW RW GC Yarn Ball Hooked on A Feeling

Mother: Yarn Ball Here I Go Again

Our dear Mia has given birth to 4 adorable kittens - 3 Boys and 1 Girl.

All kittens have found wonderful pet homes! 


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "Q"

Born: Sept 2021

Father: Wavy Silk Chasin Stars of Yarn Ball

Mother: RW GC Yarn Ball Flower of My Heart

Our dear Adaline has given birth to 4 adorable kittens - 3 Boys and 1 Girl.

All kittens have found wonderful pet homes! 


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "R"

Born: April 2022

Father: NW RW GC Yarn Ball Hooked on A Feeling

Mother: Yarn Ball In My Feelings

Our dear Kiki has given birth to three beautiful kittens - 2 Girls, and 1 Boy.

All kittens have found wonderful pet homes. 


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "S"

Born: October 2022

Father: NW RW GC Yarn Ball Hooked on A Feeling

Mother: Yarn Ball Here We Go Again


Our dear Mia has given birth to 5 beautiful kittens - 2 boys and 3 girls.

All kittens have found wonderful pet homes. 


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "T"

Born: October 2022

Father: Wavy Silk Chasin Stars of Yarn Ball

Mother: NW RW GC Yarn Ball Ooh Nana Na


Our dear Nana has given birth to 2 beautiful kittens - 1 boy and 1 girl.

All kittens have found wonderful pet homes. 


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!


Yarn Ball Litter "V"

Born: November 2022

Father: Wavy Silk Chasin Stars of Yarn Ball

Mother: RW GC Yarn Ball Flower of My Heart

Our dear Adaline has given birth to 4 adorable kittens - 1 Boy and 4 Girls.

All kittens have found wonderful pet homes. 


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "X"

Born: April 2024

Father: GC RW Shabbymur George of Yarn Ball

Mother: RW GC Yarn Ball Victoria


Our dear Victoria has given birth to 3 adorable kittens - 2 Boys and 1 Girl.​


All kittens have found wonderful pet homes. 


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "Y"

Born: April 2024

Father: GC RW Shabbymur George of Yarn Ball

Mother: RW GC Yarn Ball Kiki


Our dear Kiki has given birth to 2 adorable kittens - 2 Girls.


All kittens have found wonderful pet homes. 


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!

Yarn Ball Litter "Z"

Born: April 2024

Father: TBD

Mother: GC NW BWR Shabbymur Lizzie


Our dear Lizzie has given birth to 2 adorable kittens - 1 Boy and 1 Girl.


All kittens have found wonderful pet homes. 


Please check back again for litter announcements/available kittens!


Thank you!​

Yarn Ball Litter "AA"

Born: May 2024

Father: GC RW Shabbmur George of Yarn Ball

Mother: GC RW Yarn Ball Adaline


Our dear Adaline has given birth to 2 adorable kittens - 2 Girls.


Yarn Ball Annie - a ​Calico Female Kitten available for a Forever Loving Pet Home.


Please send us a message if you're interested in a Yarn Ball Cornish Rex Kitten.


Thank you!

Yarn Ball "Retired" Cats

CFA Adult Cornish Rex


We are always looking for forever loving pet homes for our Retired Yarn Ball Cornish Rex.​


Please send us a message if you are interested in our available Retired Adult Cats!


[noun] [plural] [ef-ey-kyoo] 5. questions and answers to commonly asked inquiries; a page to learn more about Yarn Ball Cattery

Here are frequently asked questions regarding our cats and kittens. Please contact us @ our "Contact Us" page if you have further inquiries.

Can I meet you?

Yes! We would be delighted to meet you in person @ any CFA Cat Show we are attending! Please contact us to know our show schedule.

How can I contact you?

We love to hear from you! Please visit our "Contact Us" page and send us a message using the contact form. You may also contact me via Facebook.

When are kittens ready for new homes?

Yarn Ball kittens stay with us until they are 16 weeks old. This is to ensure that they are healthy, and socialized by their mother and siblings. It also allows us to vaccinate them, and alter (spay/neuter) kittens going to pet homes. Please contact us to be put on our kitten wait list. When a litter is born, you will be contacted through the information you provided.

Do you spay or neuter?

Yes! All Yarn Ball cats and kittens going to pet homes will be spayed/neutered prior to going to their new families. A spayed/neutered cat or kitten is best for a pet home.

Do you allow declawing?

No! Yarn Ball Cattery is against declawing. All Yarn Ball cats and kittens going to their new families, sign an agreement that they will NOT declaw their new cat or kitten. No exceptions.

Are your Cornish Rex registered?

Yes! Yarn Ball Cats/Kittens are purebred, registered Cornish Rex. Our Cornish Rex Kitten Litters are registered with CFA.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you!

Kindly fill out the form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


Please be aware that responses can be delayed, especially during a busy show season. Rest assured that we respond to inquiries we receive in the order we have received them. 


Thank you for your interest! We appreciate your understanding and patience. 

Thanks for submitting!

Yarn Ball Cattery

Indianapolis, USA

©2016 by Yarn Ball Cattery - A Cornish Rex Cattery in the Midwest, USA

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